Advancing the Kingdom

Our epic ‘Kingdom Assignment’ adventure is now underway! Some fifty people from PPT have taken up the challenge of investing and multiply $100 for a ‘kingdom cause’ in the next sixty days.  We invite you to support them and together lets make an impact for the kingdom of God!  Learn this Sunday in our service about how we all can practically be “Advancing the Kingdom” in our world.

A few people from our Tanzania Missions Team will also be sharing their testimonies and pictures this Sunday from their recent trip.  Julius Kenyamanyara, our missionary will also be sharing his thoughts by a video.  Come and celebrate what God is doing!

In just a few short weeks, PPT will once again be a host site for the annual
‘Overflow’ Youth Convention.  We have a number of teens at PPT who need some financial assistance to attend. If you would be willing to invest in the next gen by sponsoring a young person, please just mark your envelope “Overflow” and thank you!

The secret to living a satisfied and fulfilled life is using the gifts and talents God has given you to serve others in ministry. If you want to get involved in ministry here at PPT this year … including our Christmas productions, later this year, your first step is to attend our Plan-to-Protect Training Class this Sunday. You can register below:

Adults Training (Ages 18+) … Sunday, April 28, 9:30 am (Fellowship Hall)

Jr Leader Training (Ages 11-17) … Sunday, April 28, 10:30 am (Prayer Room)

Kingdom Assignment

We personally become part of the kingdom of God when we repent of our sins, invite Jesus to come into our lives as our Saviour and Lord and rule in our hearts according to the principals found in the Bible.  Part of being in the kingdom of God is recognizing that God has given you talents that he wants you to use for His kingdom purposes.  What will you do with the talents God has given you?  Guided by the principal of ‘paying it forward’, we have a kingdom assignment that will change your life … and potentially many others. Join us to hear the message and accept the challenge and plan to be part of this epic adventure this Sunday!

Members, please note our Annual Business Meeting will be held this Sunday after the morning service. You should have received an email with a link to a digital copy of the report.  Printed copies are also available at the Welcome Centre.  You can also cast an absentee ballot in our advance polls at the Welcome Centre until Sunday at 12:30 pm.  Please note any questions about the written or financial reports needs to be submitted in writing by this Friday, April 19 so we can properly prepare.

Your Personal Eclipse


Just this past week we experienced an incredible solar eclipse! It was fascinating to watch as the skies grow eerily dark in the middle of the day, only to become brighter within hours and as the sun fully emerged. 

Spiritually, God desires that you to have your own personal spiritual eclipse.
What does a spiritual eclipse look like in your life? Discover this Sunday how God move you from darkness to light and lead you into a brighter, hope-filled, and fruitful future.  It’s also Communion Sunday, so we will be remembering Jesus’s sacrifice for us so that we can experience that personal eclipse in your lives.

The Kingdom Assignment is coming Sunday, April 21, 10:30 am

We have an assignment that will change your life … and potentially many others.  It’s a kingdom assignment. It’s based on the Parable of the Talents (read Matthew 25:14-30) and  idea of ‘paying it forward’.  We invite you to join us to hear the message, accept the challenge and plan to be part of this epic adventure!

Our Tanzania Missions Team is returning from Africa early this Saturday morning.  

Pray they experience God’s protection as they travel.  We look forward to them sharing their story, pictures and testimonies on Sunday April 28.

God is currently working in unusual and powerful ways at PPT.  Come and experience His glorious presence and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in your life!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Lives are Changing

God is changing people’s lives in such positive and powerful way.

We welcome you to hear some of those incredible stories during our Water Baptism Celebration Service this Sunday at 10:30 am!  Your heart will be filled hope and joy as you are encouraged to trust God in your life.

Our Tanzania Missions Team has arrived in Africa and are currently doing ministry.

Please keep them in prayer. This Sunday, we will be celebrating the miracle that God’s has done by announcing the final total amount of funds that have been received to build the Petra City Church plant.  The missions team will be celebrating simultaneously with church there!

The Kingdom Assignment is coming Sunday, April 21, 10:30 am

We have an assignment that will change your life … and potentially many others.  It’s a kingdom assignment. Join us to hear the message and accept the challenge and plan to be part of this epic adventure!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

It's an Easter Weekend of Miracles

This Good Friday features two very special gatherings that promise to be lifechanging. Our Communion Service at 10:30 am will be a powerful time of exploring the miracles of God that took place on Good Friday as we remember the death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This will then set the stage later in the day for our Miracle, Prayer & Anointing Service, 8:00-11:00 pm. We will be anointing people with oil and then have them pass through a human ‘prayer tunnel’ where we will lay hands on them and for miracles. Let’s come together in faith believing that signs and wonders will be released. Be sure to invite people you know to come who need a miracle in their lives.

Resurrection Sunday will be a grand celebration of the miracle of Easter … the dynamic and powerful resurrection of Jesus Christ! There will be plenty of parking as we have secured the Sesquicentennial Parking Lot across the street (opening at 8am with shuttle bus service (starting at 8:30 am) volunteers. To make room for our guests, we are asking all volunteers and members to park there first. Invite someone to come with you this Easter – we are believing for salvations and miracles!

We have already raised over $42,000 for the Petra City Church plant! Will you help make a miracle happen this weekend by bringing an offering this Good Friday or Easter Sunday to help us reach our new goal of $50,000. Just mark your giving envelope with the word, ‘Tanzania’. Our Tanzania Missions Team will be departing next Tuesday, April 2-12 to do ministry onsite and experience firsthand what God is doing there!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Miracle of Palm Sunday

Petra City Church is a story that only God could write. It’s an amazing tale of resilience in the face of tragedy, rapid growth in times of transition, and unspeakable joy in the midst of uncertainty. Let’s help them build a 300-seat multi-purpose auditorium on the grounds of Mwanza Christian College. It will serve as the primary meeting place for Petra Church on Sundays and will be available to the college for chapel services, graduations, and other events. This is the final week to make this miracle happen! Just mark your giving envelope with the word 'Tanzania'. We will be praying over our Tanzania Missions Team this Sunday as they prepare for their trip there to do ministry from April 2-12.

This Sunday marks the launch of Easter Week, also known as the Passion Week of Christ. Our theme this year is 'The Miracles of Easter'. We will begin with Palm Sunday, the day we commemorate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. There were some amazing miracles that took place that day, which will build faith in our hearts and set the stage for believing together for miracles throughout this week.

Do you need a miracle in your life? Do you know others who need a miracle? Then plan to join us and bring them with you to our Good Friday Services. It begins with a Communion Service and message, 'The Miracles of Good Friday' at 10:30 am. Later that day, it's our Good Friday Prayer & Anointing Service – Fri. March 29, from 8-11 pm. We will be praying for everyone who desires to be prayed for – for healing, deliverance, and provision. So let faith rise in your heart as we believe for the miraculous in Jesus' name!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Drawing a Line in the Sand

Many of us have heard or used this reference, "Drawing a Line in the Sand." This expression refers to a decision you need to make, a direction you need to take that will affect your life significantly. Legend has it that this phrase originated with the Spartans back in 480 BC, where a line was drawn in the sand, signifying they would not retreat from the opposing Persian army. This expression seems to be a battle cry for army generals engaged in wars, calling on their troops to take a stand or position—two opposing armies or views, and you are called to pick your side, pick your team. There are two opposing kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. Come this Sunday and hear a message about these Kingdoms and how Jesus has drawn a line in the sand and calls us to make a decision. The question today is: whose team/side are you on? We are also looking forward to receiving a number of people into membership this Sunday!

Our campaign to raise funds for our Tanzania Missions Building Project is in its final weeks. The deadline to give to this noteworthy endeavor is Easter Sunday. Let’s be part of the miracle of building a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant. Please mark your giving envelope with the word ‘Tanzania’. Pray for our Tanzania Missions Team that is preparing now for their trip there to do ministry April 2-12.

Everyone needs a miracle in their lives. This is the theme of this month’s Prayer & Anointing Service, which will be held on Friday, March 29, from 8-11pm. We are praying all this month, believing for the supernatural power of God to be released in people’s lives when we meet that night. Start now to invite your friends to come who need healing, deliverance, and miracles in their lives!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Brary Risto
Lead Pastor

Your Year of Jubilee

Everyone loves a celebration!

The Bible introduces a fascinating one known as The Jubilee Year.

This event marked a year of liberation from debt and various forms of bondage. One can only imagine the joyous atmosphere during such a time!

Throughout our 28 days of fasting and prayer this year, we received a 'rhema' word—a divine utterance from the Holy Spirit highlighting a portion of God’s Word relevant to the present moment. This word indicated that this year is a jubilee year for PPT.

But how does this apply to us? Join us this Sunday to delve into this topic and grasp how you can spiritually embrace this jubilee year in your life.

We are excited to have special musical guests, Jennifer Lewin and keyboardist Joel Chambers, who will assist in conveying this message to our hearts!


We have just a couple more weeks left for you to contribute to the construction of a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant in Tanzania.

Consider making a sacrificial donation by Easter Sunday, and simply mark your offering envelope with 'Tanzania'.

Additionally, let's keep our PPT Tanzania Missions team of 17 people in our prayers as they embark on their ministry journey from April 2-12.

Upon their return, they will share exciting testimonies of the impact your giving and prayers have made.

Keep Your Focus

As long as we inhabit a world filled with fear and stress, negative thoughts are inevitable. We are faced with a choice: either suppress these thoughts or nurture them. The good news is that negative thoughts can be replaced with positive ones, and the more we engage in this godly substitution, the greater peace and joy we can attain. Discover how to 'Keep Your Focus' in this Sunday's worship service.

Tanzania Missions Building Project: Join us in the endeavor to construct a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant in Tanzania. We invite everyone to make a sacrificial offering anytime between now and Easter Sunday. Simply mark your offering envelope with 'Tanzania'. Additionally, our missions team, comprising 17 individuals, is preparing to travel there for ministry work from April 2-11. Let's unite in prayer for this team and their mission during this time.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Your Accumulating Prayers

We have heard many testimonies of answers to prayer over the past 28 days of fasting and prayer. But there are still more who are waiting for an answer to their prayers. It is during times like this when we may feel tempted to think our prayers have not been heard. It can feel like you're tossing up wishes to heaven and hoping that something about your prayers will finally move God to act. But we must understand an important truth. Our prayers are not wasted but accumulating. Learn an important truth that will encourage you to keep on praying!

Alpha Course – Connect, Watch, Discuss on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm.

Alpha provides a friendly environment for exploring life, faith, and meaning, where you can ask any questions alongside others who share your curiosity. Each Alpha session includes a short video, time to connect, and plenty of time to discuss. Join us here at PPT.

We are a church on a mission.
This Sunday is your opportunity to hear what God is doing around the world and to give to our Tanzania missions building project. Join us in helping to build a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant. We are asking everyone to give a sacrificial offering anytime now and by Easter Sunday. Just mark your offering envelope, ‘Tanzania’. Our missions team of 15 people is also gearing up to travel there to witness this ministry firsthand from April 2-11.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Building Family Altars

The Family Holiday weekend is here, and we are celebrating it this Sunday in our service with baby dedications, by anointing all our children and sharing a message about the importance of building a family altar. Discover what ‘altars’ are all about and the truth that, “whoever controls the altar, controls the outcome.”

Our Alpha Course launches next Wednesday, Feb 21 at 7 pm.

Alpha it is a great place to connect with people over a meal, watch a brief video teaching and then a time of discussion that helps you explore life, faith and God in a relaxed, low pressure environment. So register now and and invite your friends to join you!

Let’s help raise an auditorium for worship services in Tanzania, Africa!  
This multi-purpose 500-seat auditorium will  serve as primary meeting space for Petra City church plant. With only $100,000 left to complete this project, we invite you to join us in being part of the miracle to make it happen!  Just give an offering anytime before Easter Sunday and mark your envelope, Tanzania!  Our missions team is also gearing up to travel there to witness first hand this ministry and the Village of Hope from April 2-11.

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The First Fruits

When we speak about first fruits, we are referring to a biblical festival and an offering.

In the spirit of that festival, we invite you to come to church this Sunday prepared to offer deep thanksgiving to God and an offering for all He has done during the past 28 days of fasting and prayer and for what He is about to do this year.  We will also be sharing Communion together with thanksgiving. Please also share with us any answers to prayer you have received in these last twenty-eight days by emailing us at

We are about to launch the Alpha Course which starts on Wednesday, Feb 21, 7 pm.

Alpha helps create a space for people to come, connect and explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over a meal and conversation. So invite your friends to Alpha and join them.

Be sure to register today!

We are currently raising funds to help build an auditorium in Tanzania, Africa and we taking a mission trip there!  This multi-purpose 500-seat auditorium is on the grounds of Mwanza Christian College and will serve as primary meeting space for the Petra City church plant. They only need $100,000 to complete the project.  Let’s help them reach this goal by giving a sacrificial missions gift anytime between now and Easter weekend. Just mark your envelope “Tanzania’.  We will also be taking a mission’s trip there from April 2-11. Your registration form and deposit of $500 is due this weekend.  See Sharon Morgan this Sunday at the Welcome Centre.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Kingdom Twins – Power and Authority

The Spirit of God is moving as we gather together in this extended week of fasting and prayer!  We are beginning to experience an acceleration of the release of kingdom power and authority with the manifestation of signs and wonders following in the days ahead. This past Wednesday over 150 gathered for a Family Communion Service and we already receiving wonderful testimonies of what God did and has done over this past month of fasting and prayer!THE KINGDOM TWINS – POWER & AUTHORITY

At this Friday night’s Worship, Prayer & Anointing Service, 8-11pm will be praying and anointing everyone for a greater level of fruitfulness in their lives this year. There are also a number of people who will be sharing their testimony of healing, mind-boggling stories of provision, people who have experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit and people giving their hearts and lives to Jesus!  If you have a answer to prayer or a testimony, please share it with us or chat with one of our pastors.

This coming Sunday is going to be a mighty Empowerment Anointing Service.  

We are going to teach you about ‘The Kingdom Twins’ and what is the result when you exercise these two keys of the kingdom. Then we are going to conclude these 28-days of fasting and prayer by sealing all our prayer requests by pouring oil over them (symbol of the Holy Spirit) and also anoint everyone while you hold your bottle of anointing oil. So be sure to bring your own personal bottle of anointing oil or purchase one at the Welcome Centre ($2) BEFORE the service starts if you wish to be part of this experience.

We are about to launch the Alpha Course which starts on Wednesday, Feb 21, 7 pm.

Register today and invite someone to join you to explore the Christian faith over a meal and conversation.  It’s a great place to meet and connect with others!

Help us build a new church building in Tanzania, Africa!  Our goal is to raise $25,000 to help build an auditorium for Petra Church. You can give any time now and until Easter Sunday.  Just mark your envelopes ‘Tanzania’.

Our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) starts this Sunday, Feb 4 with Pastor Robby and his team.  Come and meet the team of volunteers who will leading this class.

Join us this weekend for these exciting times of ministry!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

First Things First: Your Kingdom Come

As we come to the final days of our three-week journey of fasting and prayer, we have been focusing on what things need to be first and foremost in our lives. Please share with us any answers to prayer you have received in these last twenty-one days by emailing us at

We are eagerly awaiting another Prayer Anointing Service at PPT on Friday night, 8-11p.  
We invite you to join us as our pastoral staff personally prays over you and your needs.
This week we will be anointing and praying particularly for the things you want God to uproot from your life this year– things that you want freedom from so you can move forward this year to receive all that God has ordained for your life.  You are welcome to come even if you can’t stay for the entire time or join us when you can during this time frame.  But like anything worthwhile, the more time you can devote to this worship and prayer time the more you will receive!

This coming Sunday, we will explore what Jesus’ meant when He taught His disciples how to pray, “Your Kingdom Come.”  We will learn practically speaking how we work with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Every fourth Sunday of the month is Missions Sunday, so please prepare to bring a special missions offering as we begin to raise funds to help build a church building in Tanzania, Africa.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) on Sundays, starting Feb 4.  We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! 

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

First Things First: Pursuing God's Heart

We are finishing our second week of fasting and prayer under the theme, First Things First.

So what has the Lord been revealing to you through your daily Bible readings and times of prayer? Please share with us what God has been impressing on your heart and how He is answering your prayers by emailing us at

It was another interesting week of Bible readings with fascinating topics like, learning how to relax and let God be God because He is just and merciful. The importance of having an overflowing heart and how it helps us to fulfill our potential. The need to be working to see God’s kingdom priorities come in people’s lives. We will wrap up our readings this week with understanding that the most valuable thing in the world is and how God gives us wisdom to navigate through all the challenges of life. There is so much insightful and practical teaching in these readings! If you have not yet joined us, its never too late. Just jump in now!

We eagerly anticipating our very special Prayer Anointing Service at PPT this Friday night. We invite you to join us as our pastoral staff personally prayers over you and your needs. This week we will be praying particularly for the three or four things you want God to this year. We will also be praying for physical and emotional healing. So please make every effort to join us this extended time of prayer from 8-11pm. Come even if you can’t stay for the entire time or join us when you can during this time frame. But like anything worthwhile, the more time you can devote to this service the more you will receive.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) on Sundays, starting Feb 4. Watch for more details that will follow in the next couple of weeks.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue to fervently seek God around the message, Pursuing God’s Heart.

Every Blessing

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

First Things First

We are off to a roaring start this new year, as we set our hearts to seeking God together in fasting and prayer over these 21 days.

What an incredible week of daily Bible readings! They have touched on some amazing topics like the fact that nothing is too hard for the Lord to accomplish in our lives and trusting God to put things right when we have experienced injustice. We have also read about how to face the storms of life and trusting God to give us success. We are wrapping up this week looking at living fearless lives and understanding how we need to become forceful people if we want to see an acceleration in the advancement of the kingdom of God. We hope you will join us in these daily Bible readings as they will enrich and empower your life!

We have also had incredible times of prayer with over 80 people joining us on our prayer conference calls and the prayer room was packed for a power and dynamic Worship and Prayer Service on Wednesday night. It’s exciting to see people catching the vision to seek God fervently as we begin this new year. Awesome things are going to unfold in our lives, families and church as make God and His kingdom the priority of our lives!

We look forward to seeing you on this Sunday as we continue to fervently seek God and share Communion together around the topic of being tested in our faith.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

First Things First: Seeking God

The new year is upon us and the invitation to you to join us in seeking God together!

Part of seeking God and getting to know Him is to give ourselves to reading the Bible daily.

So join us in reading through the Bible this year, by downloading the Bible App on your favourite digital device and choose ‘The Bible with Nicky Pippa Gumbel – Classic Version.’ These Bible readings will also be the devotionals for this year’s 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer starting on Day 8 - January 8.

Fasting and prayer is also a spiritual tool in seeking God. This coming Sunday we will be launching into our 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer: First Things First. There will be daily emails sent with links to our Bible readings, prayer points and declaration. To receive them you must sign up at if you have not already done so. Here is a some fasting and prayer information and our prayer schedule for the next three weeks.

Our new message series is also entitled ‘First Things First’. Together we will explore what matters most and needs to hold a place of priority in our lives. God has given us a specific promise that if we will seek Him and His kingdom first, everything else we have need of in this life will be provided for by Him.

So we invite you to join us in using the tools God has given us to seek Him. Through worship, fasting and prayer, Bible reading and meditation, let’s listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit and let Him set the course in our lives, families and church in this new year!

We look forward to seeing you on this first Sunday of January!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Mary's Boy Child – The Restoring King

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your family and friends!

The closing days of this year are now upon us and are anticipating the new year before us.

In our final message in our sermon series this Sunday we will learn how Mary’s Boy Child purpose in His first coming to earth was to inaugurate the kingdom of God and proclaim God’s great plan of restoration. Discover what exactly this restoring king’s plans are for this world and His people! We want to thank you for honouring the Lord throughout this year you’re your tithes and offerings. This Sunday will be your last opportunity for year-end giving and you will be able to do so in both our morning and evening services.

Plan to join us Sunday evening to celebrate God’s faithfulness as we ring out the old year and look forward in faith believing to God’s goodness in 2024. It will be evening filled with dynamic worship, prayer declarations and special effects with special guest singer, Jennifer Lewin! Be sure to come early on Sunday evening (9 pm) and enjoy some refreshments with others before the New Year’s Worship Celebration (10pm). Be sure to use your invite cards to reach out and bring someone with you this Sunday night!

We also invite you to join us in reading through the Bible this year. Just download the Bible App on your favourite digital device and choose ‘The Bible with Nicky Pippa Gumbel – Classic Version.’ This will also be our part of our daily devotional readings for our 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer – ‘First Things First’ along with our prayer points and declarations. Watch for an email next week with all the details about our time of fasting & prayer.

Let’s start this new year making the Word of God and prayer the priority in our lives! We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Mary's Boy Child – He Came to Us

The big weekend has finally arrived for our exciting Christmas Eve Family Worship Service! Experience the spectacular sounds of our 90+ voice multi-generational choir as they sing the songs of Christmas along with the telling of the Christmas Story by candlelight.

PLEASE BE ON TIME BY ARRIVING EARLY TO SECURE YOUR SEAT as this Christmas program starts promptly at 10:30 am. Invite someone to join you as we celebrate again the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Everyone will receive a sweet Christmas treat as you leave the service too!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Creator God-Man

Often when we are describing children, we refer to them as the son or daughter of their parents. For instance, we might say, “I met one of the sons of David, his name is Jesse.”

But names can also be used to describe someone’s unique character. Like when Jesus called two brothers named James & John, the ‘sons of thunder’ pointing to their rather boisterous and wrathful dispositions.

In the Christmas story, Mary’s Boy Child was referred to by some lofty titles to describe who He was. In one sense, he was the son of Mary and Joseph, but he was also a totally unique person with names that described His essence and character. Discover in this weekend’s message how Jesus’ triple title ‘The Creator God-Man’ personally provides for each one of us. This will lead us into celebrating communion together too, so plan to join us!

Winter Coat Drive

Our winter coat drive is currently underway! We are looking for donations of winter coats for men and women, sizes L, XL and XXL. You can drop them off in the marked bins in the lobby anytime until Sunday December 17. Thank you for providing some warmth and comfort to refugees as winter approaches.