Do you want a better deal?

Let’s make a deal. These are more than words of a particularly famous game show. We all make deals with others on a regular basis, whether it’s purchasing a vehicle, a home, or another major purchase. Everyone wants to make a good deal, or even a better deal if possible. Regarding spiritual matters, God has provided a better deal for us under a new agreement. In fact, it is the best deal possible for so many incredible reasons!

So join us this Sunday and discover why God’s current offer is A Better Deal than his past offer as we continue in our message series, Better Keep Believing.

We look forward to your presence with us at PPT as we worship the Lord together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Do you have a representative?

Everyone needs representatives in life. People who will advocate on our behalf, whether we are dealing with legal issues, health matters, or financial decisions. These agents must be qualified in their field of endeavour. They need to possess the skills to represent us well. They also need to know us personally—our needs and our desires—so they can best advocate for us.

As we continue in our Better Keep Believing message series, we will discover who our spiritual representative is before God. He is the only one who can best represent us before God because he has done A Better Work.

We look forward to your presence with us at PPT as worship the Lord together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Better Keep Believing

What we believe about God and how we live for him is vitally important now and eternally. God has provided a great invitation and superior choice for us to experience a vibrant relationship with him. But we are living in days when it can become easy to drift in our relationship with God.

In our new message series called Better Keep Believing you will discover how to remain rooted and grounded in our faith and how to experience spiritual vitality in these challenging days. In this Sunday’s particular message, A Better Person, we will study God’s greatest revelation of himself to us. There is someone who is greater than any prophet, angel or spiritual leader. Learn who he is, why he is better, and why we cannot neglect him though unbelief. We look forward to your presence with us at PPT as worship the Lord together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Stand Your Ground

One of the words that has been very overused to describe our times is the word unprecedented. It is an overused word because it truly describes the times that we are living in! However, let me use some other words to describe the times we are living in.

Church, we are living in unparalleled, out of the ordinary, and unmatched times. This means norms are changing, the way we live and challenges we are facing in our world are changing faster than we can keep up! Therefore, how is the child of God supposed to stay on track with so many changes happening around us at such breakneck speeds? This Sunday’s message, Stand Your Ground, will encourage and challenge us to stand firm even though so much is changing around us.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we worship, hear His word and enjoy His presence.


Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

Worship The Way Maker

When God does incredible things in our lives and in our world, there is a natural desire to respond to him in worship. The call to worship God is fundamental to our faith. Throughout Scriptures there is an invitation for believers to worship God for who he is, what he has done and what he is yet to do.

In this Sunday’s message, Worship The Way Maker, we will look at the what inspires us to worship God and what worship unleashes in our lives and how it prepares us for what the future will bring.

We look forward to your presence with us to worship God this Sunday at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

God is a Way Maker

Where are you right now in your life? What stage of life are you currently going through? Are you just launching out in life, somewhere in the middle, or nearing the end of your earthly life’s journey? Or are you facing a real twist in the road, lost on a detour, or somewhere between a rock and a hard place?

The storms of life can make you feel like you’re being tossed and thrown around by the incoming waves. It can leave you feeling disoriented and unsure of the way forward.

In this Sunday’s message, Meet the Waymaker, we will explore where you are, where you are going, and He who has promised to make a way where there might not seem to be a way.

We look forward to your presence with us this Sunday at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Is Your Soul Free?

Everyone longs for freedom. True freedom begins by receiving God’s promise of spiritual freedom by believing and receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour. But it’s not just our spirit that needs to be set free. The second dimension of our lives, which is our souls—our mind, emotions and will—needs healing from the hurts, habits and hang-ups of our past. Our souls need mending from broken relationships, emotional mayhem and traumatic experiences. There is only one who can bring that healing and wholeness to us. Discover this Sunday in the message, Free My Soul, and learn how to move on in living an abundant life!

We look forward to your presence with us this Sunday at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Let Freedom Reign

Welcome to the Canada Day holiday weekend and the celebration of the birth of our nation. A verse from our national anthem requests, God keep our land glorious and free. Freedom is an interesting word that means different things to people. How free do you feel in your life and living in our nation? What is the true definition of freedom and what does it look like in our lives? God offers us the ultimate experience of freedom! Learn about it this weekend, in the message, Let Freedom Reign.

We hope you have a wonderful Canada Day holiday and we look forward to your presence with us this Sunday at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Lead The Way

What an incredible 10th Anniversary/Celebration of Nations event we had a couple of weeks ago. It was a wonderful time of reflecting on all God has done over these past ten years in our new building and the diversity of people the Lord has called to be part of our church family! We received a special offering that morning towards our parking lot paving project—a big thank you to all who gave sacrificially! We will be celebrating the details of that offering in this Sunday’s service and in fact, as you can see, the paving project is well underway! God has certainly led the way in this project!

How do we discern God’s leading in our lives? How can we know the Lord’s plans for us? What does he use to lead us in all the decisions we must make? In the message, Lead The Way, we will learn the practical tools God uses to lead and guide us in life’s decisions. We will also be honouring all our graduates this Sunday with a special tribute and praying over them and their families as God leads the way in their next step in their journey in life! It’s going to be an exciting service you don’t want to miss!

We look forward to your presence with us this weekend at PPT!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Being Available To Serve

This Sunday, we look forward to celebrating Father’s Day with all our dads. May God’s wisdom and encouragement continue to rest upon each of you as you fulfill this great role of being fathers.

I look back at the past two plus years with such thankfulness. God has been so good and he has provided for us in so many ways. We are emerging from a pandemic that had us locked away from each other. Now we are starting to see signs of people reconnecting and encouraging each other in wonderful ways.

This Sunday I want to bring an encouraging word challenging us to step it up even more to be there for each other. There are many hurts and pains in the body and the community. However, healing comes as we make ourselves available as God’s agents helping to bring healing. I will be preaching on the topic Available to Serve. Join us this Sunday as we worship together and hear from the word of God.

I look forward to seeing you in the house of the Lord.


Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

🌎 Celebrating God's Plan

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the official opening and dedication of our present church building as a gathering place for worship. We are marking this moment by celebrating God’s wonderful plan through his church to reach people from every tribe, nation, and language with the message of his love and salvation.

Our Celebration of Nations service will feature great sounds of praise being lifted to Jesus. It will be followed by a flag parade celebrating the 48 different nations represented by the people who are part of our church family. In the message, Celebrating God’s Plan, we will show how God has chosen to reveal himself to the world through his people and his church. Please come dressed wearing the clothing of your native country to help make this a grand celebration!

We will conclude the service by giving everyone the opportunity to bring to the altar a second special offering for our parking lot paving project. So pray about what God would have you give to help us complete this one project that was part of the original plan.

Following the service, we will all get to experience a taste of culture as we enjoy delicious foods served from various countries under a large tent, and some bouncy castles! It’s going to be a wonderful afternoon of feasting, enjoying various worship music from other countries, and visiting together on the church grounds!

So be sure to come, bring your lawn chairs, and let’s celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness over these past ten years. It will be a day to remember!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

🔥 God Moves In Power

This weekend is Pentecost Sunday. It’s a day we commemorate the first arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and the birth of the church in power. It’s not just a date to remember but a day to ask God to come again in power and glory.

The early believers in Christ faced many challenges in their lives. How about you? Are you facing challenges in your life today? It might be walls of fear and anxiety, or sickness and disease, or even strife and division in your family or workplace.

God’s answer to these challenges is his presence and power. Join us this Sunday for the message, God Moves In Power, and let’s come together in anticipation and expectation to experience a fresh outpouring and infilling of his Holy Spirit in our lives!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Celebrating Changed Lives

There is nothing greater than celebrating with people whose lives have been changed by their decision to receive Jesus as their Saviour! This Sunday, you will hear them share their journey to faith in Christ and what he is doing in their lives now. Then they will be water baptized based on their public confession of faith in Jesus Christ and desire to follow him. It is going to be a glorious experience and service of celebration you don’t want to miss! We look forward to your presence with us!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

When God Restores

There are many areas of our lives that God will restore: our damaged souls, our health, our joy, and even our wasted years.

Many of us have experienced God’s restoration in our lives. But experiencing restoration does not mean there still may be challenges to face. In the message, When God Restores, we will learn what some of those challenges might look like and how God is working through those challenges to set us up for further blessing in our lives.

Join us this holiday weekend and let’s experience together God’s glorious presence in praise and worship and our final message in this restoration series.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

🔑 A Key To Experiencing Your Restoration

We have been exploring the great theme of restoration in our messages and chats. There has been a sense of great loss, struggle, and heartache over these past couple of years. But we believe God desires to bring about restoration in many dimensions of our lives.

At its core, the Bible’s main theme and message is one of restoration and there are so many facets to it. Jesus comes to restore our spiritual relationship with God the Father. Christ also came to heal and restore our souls and our purpose for living. Even physical healing and restoration is provided for us through Jesus’ death on the cross. To know God is to experience his restorative presence and power in your life!

But there is a key to experiencing God’s restoration in any dimension of your life. Knowing and practicing this key will set the stage for God’s restorative power to be released in your life.

Join us this Communion Sunday for a dynamic praise and worship experience and the message, A Key To Your Restoration. Together we are going to practice using this key and believe for the release of God’s restorative power in our lives!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

What do you see in me?

Life is filled with all kinds of struggles and heartaches and they are very real. How do we keep it real in our relationships when dealing with these struggles? What do people see when they look at you going through those experiences?

This Mother’s Day we will explore a biblical relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and how it inspired them both in their relationship with God. We will also see how their trust in God led to a remarkable restoration in their lives and involved them in God’s future plans!

We look forward to you worshiping with us this Sunday! We have a special gift to bless and honour every mom—so bring your mom to church this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

✝ The Resurrection and The Life

This weekend we commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and His subsequent resurrection from the dead. Through His death on the cross, the price of our rebellion and sin against God was paid for in full. His resurrection provides the proof that He is the Son of God and is currently alive and will be forevermore!

Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25) in one of his I am statements. We often think about his resurrection as an event, but more importantly the resurrection is all about a person—Jesus Christ. The concept of the eternal life he offers is often viewed as an abstract idea, when actually it is all about a personal relationship with him. Finally, when it comes to experiencing victory, it tends to be a future expectation of ours rather than a present reality.

We look forward to you worshiping with us this Resurrection Sunday as we celebrate that Jesus truly is alive!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Doors of Life 🚪

We walk through them everyday. Whether moving from room to room in our homes, or leaving to go to work or run daily errands in our community. Doors are entranceways the lead us from one experience to another. How many doors do you think you walk through in any given day? Give it a try sometime and count. It will amaze you.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, when we commemorate Jesus triumphal entrance into the city of Jerusalem. He rode through a gate (door) into the city, thus marking a shift into his final week on earth and his ultimate purpose for coming.

In one of Jesus powerful I AM statements, he declares that he is the Door. The door to what? In that declaration, he brings a revelation to us of who he is, what he has come to do and where that will lead us in our lives. In this Sunday’s message, I am the Door, you will discover why Jesus Christ is the essential door to your real destiny, in this life and the one to come.

We look forward to you worshiping with us this Palm Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Who is Jesus? ✝

Welcome to the month of April. In just a couple of weeks we will commemorate what’s known as Holy Week or The Passion Week. It takes place between Palm Sunday (April 10) and Resurrection Sunday (April 17). It’s called this because it represents the passion with which Jesus willingly went to the cross to pay for our sins. Our prayer is it will be a time we can all come face to face with the Passion of Christ in a fresh, new way through several events we have planned.

We hope children (ages 3-10) and their families will come and experience, Journey To The Cross on Friday, April 8. It will take you on a live interactive experience through the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. Be sure to register for this event, you don’t want to miss it! We also encourage you to invite others to join you for our Good Friday Communion Service and Resurrection Sunday Service.

Jesus made powerful declarations about who he was in seven powerful statements. Leading up to and throughout Holy Week, we are going to explore these I AM statements and learn what he has accomplished for us, and also what he promises to provide for you in your life if you will just come to him. We hope you will join us for our Pastor’s Chats and Sunday Services. It will impact your life in a powerful and profound way as you meet the great I AM in all of his wonder, power, and majesty. We look forward to you worshiping with us this Sunday as we enjoy the presence of the Lord together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

🌃 No More Night

The Word of God tells us that “all creation” is groaning, waiting eagerly for change to come. All of creation, from human beings to the environment, is screaming for a break from all the death and decay that is taking place. When we look around us, all we seem to see and hear is a lot of bad news! If there is ever a time that we need some good news, it’s now. This Sunday morning, Pastor Wayne will bring a word of encouragement for your heart in a message titled, No More Night. We will talk about hope and freedom, with a focus on Heaven. You won’t want to miss this message from the Word of God.

Please note that as of this Sunday, you are no longer required to wear a mask to attend services. If you wish to wear a mask for your own personal protection, you are most welcome to do so. We ask that everyone respect one another’s decision in regards to this matter. Also note that the two center sections of our sanctuary will accommodate open seating and the two outer sections will have seating in every other row for those who wish to physically distance from others for the time being.

Thank you for your understanding in these matters as we seek to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all. We look forward to you worshiping with us as we enjoy the presence of the Lord together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor