If your family was asked to describe your character what would they say? If they were asked about your strengths and weaknesses would there be any surprises? Most of us have a public life and a private life and our families see us in our private lives when our guard is down. Who we are in public matters. But what our families and those who know us best see matters even more.
Day 9 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Welcome to Day Nine of our 21-day Fast. I have been to the mountain where the Bible said, “Jesus, for 40 days and 40 nights, fasted and prayed in the wilderness, being led by the Spirit.” I cannot imagine why He chose that place for such a historical event. It’s so barren out there with none of the comforts of our life. To be out in those extreme places and to know what Christ went through there was almost overwhelming.
Day 8 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
This is Day Eight of our 21-Day Fast, and we’re so glad that you’re joining us on this fast. One of the interesting things about fasting is that even though your world has been turned upside down for a season – the rest of the world goes along as if nothing is happening. But let me be the first to remind you – something is happening and all of heaven is sitting up and taking notice. Don’t look back now. Press on and press in!
Day 7 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Today I want to challenge you to a time of self-reflection and honest inquiry with the Lord. It seems like everyone calls themselves a Christian these days, but we know that simply isn’t true. To be born again means just that – there has been a death to the old you and you have become a new creation. I am always a bit taken back to read where people can live together out of wedlock, steal on their taxes, rage at their spouse, or fill in the blank…and still come to church, lift their hands to Jesus and worship as if there was nothing wrong. For some it is sheer rebellion and disobedience. They know better and they choose to live in it. But I have also encountered people who sincerely and genuinely do not know that what they are doing is wrong in God’s eyes.
Day 6 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Stay the course! Your first full work week is coming to an end and you can spend more time with the Lord as you fast. By now you have probably experienced it all: headaches, nausea, the brown tongue and the bad breath it produces, and the low energy spells. I promise you, if you will stay the course, there is a sweetness coming when you hit your stride in week two.
Day 5 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
After you have fasted for 5 days your energy level may decrease because you are lacking the two things that normally keep you wound up: caffeine and sugar. Thankfully, the low energy blues don’t last too long if you will stick to your plan. As you fast today, remember this: gratitude determines your attitude.
Day 4 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Welcome to Day Four of The Twenty-One Day Fast. By now, you have endured the headaches of those first couple of days as your body began to shed itself of the toxins and poisons we have learned to live with the last twelve months. By today, your stomach has begun to shrink, and for many of you, your hunger has subsided provided you have been drinking enough water – your best friend.
Day 3 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Welcome to Day Three of the Twenty-One Day Fast. By now you have fully entered something called “ketosis” which is your body’s way of saying that something is happening that is out of the ordinary. You will begin to notice a thick brown coat on your tongue and most will begin to lose weight, mostly water weight. Your body has also begun to adjust and some of the headaches and deep hunger pangs will begin to subside. But something else will begin to happen as well. As you work your way through the day noticing every restaurant and pizza commercial known to mankind – there will be moments of clarity. Don’t make it all about fighting through and just surviving each day. Even in the weak moments – especially in the weak moments – press in. I have learned that when I am at my weakest, if I will listen, He is the loudest. If you will see past your physical desires, you will see a whole new dimension of your Savior and you will hear His voice speak into your life and your future.
Day 2 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Day Two of the Fast is here and you have made it through one of the toughest days – the first one. By now, you are feeling the initial phase of any fast. For many people, today is the hardest, especially if your body is used to receiving a daily dose of caffeine from soda or coffee and the cry of the flesh for its greatest enemy – sugar! Press through today by drinking lots of water and clinging to Jesus. He is nearer than you ever imagined. Press in and ask your questions – spend time in worship and gratitude and allow Him to begin to unpack and heal the broken places and go before you in the stressful situations.
Day 1 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Hello and welcome to Day One of the 21-Day Fast. When you fast to start off the year, you are telling God that your relationship with Him is your top priority for the year. Today is day one and as you walk through your 21-day journey this devotion is designed to walk every step of the way with you. Whether you are doing water only right now or the Daniel Fast, the first day is the most important day.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - December 2, 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - November 4, 2020
Around the world, over 260 million Christians face persecution because they bear the name of Christ. That’s 1 in 8 Christians worldwide. They share in His sufferings because they live in places where social and cultural pressure to follow other religions is significant, where government restrictions and bias against His followers exists, and where violence against the Christian faith is common. Christians remain the most persecuted group of people in the world today. In Canada, we enjoy religious liberty, albeit with growing signs of discrimination in some contexts. While advocating for religious freedom globally we are not surprised by discrimination, persecution or even martyrdom; Jesus told us to expect it.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - October 7, 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - September 9, 2020
Families have been navigating new normals for months in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but this is the first time they will be heading "back-to-school" in unfamiliar and unprecedented ways. Starting a new school year often comes with uncertainty and anxiety for kids and parents but this year even more so. So let’s take this day to fast, pray and intercede for the following:
Day of Fasting & Prayer - August 5, 2020
We just preached a series about the various seasons that God allows in our life. Ecclesiastes states, “For everything there is a season” (3:1). Every season offers us the opportunity of how to respond and that will determine if we flounder or flourish spiritually. So identify the season you are in and pray into it, for this month’s day of fasting and prayer.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - July 8, 2020
What did Jesus want for His Church? His desire is that the church, for which He gave His life, would reach her full potential in five dimensions. He prayed that we would sense the glory of God; that we would follow the Word of God; that we would be united in the love of God; and that we would go forth in the mission of God (John 17:9-24). So we have been praying into this each month over the past several months for our monthly day of fasting and prayer.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - June 3, 2020
This month, we are praying that we would be united in the Love of God as stated in John 17:20-21 (NLT), “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.”
Day of Fasting & Prayer - May 20, 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - May 13, 2020
The question is asked, what do we need most in this time? Some would say that we need an Economist to give great advice of how to get out of this mess; others would say we need a great Leader with vision and skills to direct and lead, and others would still say we need great Chemist who can develop a vaccine to counteract the virus. I would not disagree with the above suggestions but I also believe we need a Divine Benefits Package.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - May 6, 2020
The Apostle Peter compares the devil to a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. If you’ve ever watched a nature documentary, then you know how lions hunt. If lions are hunting a herd of wildebeests, the wildebeests are safe if they stay in the herd. They’re faster than the lion, stronger when they fight together and there are simply more of them.