With each passing year, the instability in the world seems more and more apparent. Natural and man-made catastrophes claim lives; political balance shifts; wealth and status come and go. Currently we are in the midst of crisis caused by a virus. It all causes us to ask, Is anything unshakeable?
Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 22, 2020
From the very beginning of creation, God’s nature is very clear: He always starts with the end in mind. He always has a plan. He always has the answer. And He always sees infinitely more than we might ask or think. God is preparing us to experience infinitely more! God’s plan in the midst of this pandemic is that we might know Him more deeply, follow Him more closely, obey Him more consistently, and make Him known to those around us.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 15, 2020
Some friends of ours told us the story of their family’s Easter worship service in their home. Her husband was describing how Jesus, after rising from the dead showed himself to over five hundred people before he ascended back to heaven (1 Corinthians 15:6). And now over two thousand years later, His gospel message is still spreading all over the world to the point that we are talking about it today. One of his young sons, was musing on this thought and said, “it’s like a pandemic of faith.” His mom said, “that’s exactly what it is, but this pandemic brings life and not death.”
Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 8, 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - April 1, 2020
Last month, we began a prayer series based on what Jesus wants for His Church as found in His prayer in John 17:9-24, the night before He gave His life for us on the cross. Jesus’ prayer for the church is an excellent model for us to follow when we pray for the church. Jesus spoke with confidence, knowing His time had come, but secure in the knowledge that what He began on earth would be continued through His body of believers—the church. What Jesus desired for the church can be summarized as five prayer requests.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March 25, 2020
That’s the question on everyone’s mind in the midst of this current coronavirus crisis. The other one is how long is this going to last? Together may we lay hold of God’s promise, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” (Isaiah 43:2 NKJV) God is with us in this moment, so what in the world is God doing right now?
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March 18, 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March 11, 2020
For the past several weeks, we have been reading the book, The Battlefield of the Mind and learning how to win the battle in our minds. Here is a powerful Scripture related to this … For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16 NKJV)
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March
Day of Fasting & Prayer - February
Day 21 – Living in the Overflow
Day 20 – God is coming in glory and power
Day 19 – Lord, let me reflect Your glory
The word glory in the context of these scriptures generally means the magnificence, splendor and sublime beauty of God. We can also use this word to describe the goodness of God – His wonderful nature and character. God is a good God. He is majestic. He is awesome. His splendor fills the entire universe. Therefore, a question that arises is how can we as mere human beings reflect such a wonderful characteristic as the glory of God?
Day 18 – Lord, send the fire
FIRE. Who likes fire? I know for me, I am petrified. I’ve seen the danger it can do when children play around with it innocently trying to use a magnifying glass guiding the rays of the sun to do “scientific experiments” in the backyard. Does this sound familiar? Seriously though, fire is a force that you don’t want to play around with.
Day 17 – Do you see God moving?
Day 16 – Lord, Restore Our Nation
Day 15 – Revive my courage
What problems or enemies are you facing today? What has made you feel defeated and discouraged? Is your faith wavering? Do you feel outnumbered? Are you afraid to do what God is asking you to do? Perhaps today is the time to take a stand; because like Gideon; God is coming to you in this moment and saying, “The Lord is with you, Mighty Warrior!”
Day 14 – Revive me in Your Word
The word “revive” is defined as “a restoration to life or consciousness.” To enter into a time of prayer, crying out to God to “revive us” is a suggestion that some of the themes we are praying towards have lost “life” within us. Whether in our personal spirituality, the Church, our courage, our devotion to the Word; life has been lost and there is a need and a desire for life to be returned to where it once was.
Day 13 – Lord, help us again as in the past
We come to you Lord today as a nation. In general, we have moved away the principles and precepts of God’s Word that would bring His blessing and favour upon us a nation. The disregard for God’s morality has resulted in decay, hopelessness, violence and all sorts of destruction in our streets and homes. Let’s call on God today by humbling ourselves in response to His word and ask, Lord help us again as in the past.