We must each personally choose to CHASE GOD this year. We have to make a decision that though many things may chase us personally in this new year and decade, we must make the choice to personally CHASE AFTER GOD.
Day 10 – God is coming in glory and power
Day 9 – Lord, let me reflect Your glory
The word glory in the context of these scriptures generally means the magnificence, splendor and sublime beauty of God. We can also use this word to describe the goodness of God – His wonderful nature and character. God is a good God. He is majestic. He is awesome. His splendor fills the entire universe. Therefore, a question that arises is how can we as mere human beings reflect such a wonderful characteristic as the glory of God?
Day 8 – Lord, send the fire
FIRE. Who likes fire? I know for me, I am petrified. I’ve seen the danger it can do when children play around with it innocently trying to use a magnifying glass guiding the rays of the sun to do “scientific experiments” in the backyard. Does this sound familiar? Seriously though, fire is a force that you don’t want to play around with.
Day 7 – Do you see God moving?
Day 6 – Lord, Restore Our Nation
Day 5 – Revive my courage
What problems or enemies are you facing today? What has made you feel defeated and discouraged? Is your faith wavering? Do you feel outnumbered? Are you afraid to do what God is asking you to do? Perhaps today is the time to take a stand; because like Gideon; God is coming to you in this moment and saying, “The Lord is with you, Mighty Warrior!”
Day 4 – Revive me in Your Word
The word “revive” is defined as “a restoration to life or consciousness.” To enter into a time of prayer, crying out to God to “revive us” is a suggestion that some of the themes we are praying towards have lost “life” within us. Whether in our personal spirituality, the Church, our courage, our devotion to the Word; life has been lost and there is a need and a desire for life to be returned to where it once was.
Day 3 – Lord, help us again as in the past
We come to you Lord today as a nation. In general, we have moved away the principles and precepts of God’s Word that would bring His blessing and favour upon us a nation. The disregard for God’s morality has resulted in decay, hopelessness, violence and all sorts of destruction in our streets and homes. Let’s call on God today by humbling ourselves in response to His word and ask, Lord help us again as in the past.
Day 2 – Lord, use me to revive your church
Day 1 – Lord, revive me!
21 Days of Fasting & Prayer - January 2020
Day of Fasting & Prayer - December
Day of Fasting & Prayer - November
Day of Fasting & Prayer - September
Day of Fasting & Prayer - August
Day of Fasting & Prayer - July
Day of Fasting & Prayer - June
God gave both Peter and Cornelius visions that changed their world. In Acts 10 we read about Peter’s vision that God gave to break through his current mindset and make it crystal clear that the saving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is for every person on earth. God challenged Peter’s mindset in three different ways.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - May
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March
Divine connections are those associations or relationships that God has preordained for us. They are priceless because God uses these relationships to direct us to our destiny and bring increase to us. These divine connections are part of His plan to help us connect more deeply with God; with others who will help encourage us in our spiritual walk and growth; and help us to connect people who are not in the kingdom yet.