Your Presence Matters


Presence really matters. We have been learning lately how much the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives truly matters. How spending time waiting in the presence of the Holy Spirit fosters a deeper and closer relationship with God that brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging that cannot be found elsewhere.

Do you know that your presence matters too? Your presence matters to God because He longs for you to have a personal encounter and relationship with Him. Your presence matters in the lives of others because you have distinct experiences that bring a unique perspective to the lives of others. Your presence matters to God’s family when we gather because you have different gifts that enrich our experience together.

Reading through the book of Acts in the Bible we see not only how important the presence of Holy Spirit was in the life of the early believers and the early church, but also how important their presence was to one another and the family of God.

Join us this weekend and discover just how much your presence matters!

First Light 🌄

The annual Overflow Youth Convention is taking place this weekend at three different locations across our Western Ontario District. We honoured to be one of the host sites this year. Our sanctuary will be filled this Friday and Saturday with over a thousand young people seeking God. So would you please take time to pray for them and the spiritual team leading this conference. Let’s believe together that they will have a powerful encounter with the living God!

FIRST LIGHT is the theme of their convention based on 1 John 2:8, “Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you because darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.”

Darkness is something we all go through. The challenges and battles we face often tempt us to feel like we need to “hunker down” or “hold tight”. Like the dawn of a new day, the FIRST LIGHT, our hope is found knowing that this darkness is passing, and we can trust the Light that is already shining. It is time to move forward, to launch into the future as we glimpse the First Light that is Jesus.

This Sunday, one of the youth convention speakers, Jeremiah Niengor will be preaching at PPT. Jeremiah is a youth pastor at First Assembly in Calgary Alberta. He is passionate and burdened for the next generation and wants to see young people raised up to be influencing, the people around them and the world with the life-transforming presence of Jesus. His heart is to be a voice for the voiceless. And in the same way, the transformative power of Jesus has changed his mind, his heart, and his way of life, he is on a mission to be a part of that very thing in young people's lives today.

Plan to join us and together let’s experience the power and presence of the First Light—Jesus—on this Pentecost Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Unleashing the Power of the Holy Spirit

One of the joys of a holiday weekend is the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. There is nothing quite like experiencing the power of the natural elements of the wind blowing in your face, or a roaring campfire, or the beauty of natural waterfall.

This Sunday we will explore these three powerful symbols which also represent the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The wind of the Spirit symbolizes the invisible yet powerful presence of the Holy Spirit as He breathes life into us, and guides and empowers us to fulfill our purpose. The fire of the Spirit describes His purging and igniting effect in our lives. The water of the Spirit represents the living-giving, refreshing and renewing nature of the Holy Spirit. These symbols capture the transformative and dynamic nature of the Holy Spirit’s presence and influence.

Join us as we delve deeper into these symbols and experience their power in our spiritual journey!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Another One Like Mom

This Sunday is going to be a wonderful day as we will pay tribute and honour our mothers. There will be an exciting video tribute from our kids and a special gift for every mom!

Moms have a unique role they play in our lives. We are going to explore that role and how it’s similar to another person God has given to help us in life.

We hope you will join us for this exciting weekend celebration!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Finding Your Freedom

Last weekend we had an incredible water baptism service with over twenty people taking their next step in following Jesus! Just like Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, so these people have we been raised spiritually to new life.

But there is another step in our journey to abundant life that is illustrated in the story of Lazarus. When Lazarus came out of the tomb he was very much alive, but he was still wrapped in graveclothes that needed to be removed. Those graveclothes are symbolic of things that bind us and keep us from fully experiencing the freedom and abundant life that Jesus offers.

This weekend, discover what kinds of grave-clothes may be keeping you bound and how to be set free. It is the purpose for which Christ came and it’s His will for you to find your full freedom in Jesus’ name! So join us for this Sunday’s worship service and bring a friend with you who is looking for freedom!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

💦 Celebrating New Life

A number of people are ready to take their next step in their faith journey! Water Baptism is a powerful and meaningful symbol of new life in Christ, an opportunity to publicly declare your faith and commitment to follow Jesus. At its core, water baptism represents dying to our old selves and being raised to new life in Christ. It’s a tangible reminder of the forgiveness, grace, and love that we have received through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

So come this Sunday and witness people obeying Jesus’ command to be water baptized (Matthew 28:19). They join a community of believers who have been washed clean and made new by the power of the Holy Spirit! It will be powerful reminder of their new identity in Christ, and a source of encouragement and strength as they continue to follow Him.

We will also be honouring and celebrating Pastor Josh Cassell and his ministry time with us at PPT! So please make a special effort to join us this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Finding Your Freedom

God’s promise is that when we come to believe in Jesus Christ, and receive Him as our Saviour and Lord, we have new life! Just like Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, so have we been raised spiritually to new life. Our upcoming water baptism service will be a celebration of this truth. It’s always thrilling to hear the life stories of people who have found new life in Christ!

But there is another part of our journey to abundant life that is illustrated in the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus came out of the tomb very much alive, but he was still wrapped in grave-clothes that needed to be removed. Those grave-clothes are symbolic of things that bind us and keep us from fully experiencing the freedom and abundant life that Jesus offers.

This weekend, discover what kinds of grave-clothes may be keeping you bound and how to be set free. It is the purpose for which Christ came and it’s His will for you to find your full freedom in Jesus’ name! We will be praying for people and helping them remove those old grave-clothes. So join us for this Sunday’s worship service and bring a friend with you who needs freedom in their life!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Experiencing New Life

Spring is definitely in the air this week and the signs of new life are all around us! The flowers are springing up; the grass is getting greener. We have just commemorated Holy Week—commemorating the sufferings, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of new spiritual life.

The promise of the resurrection is that everyone who chooses to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and receives Him as their Saviour can experience newness of life. What is this new life that we now possess? The Bible teaches us that we now have a new nature living in us; that the Spirit of Jesus Christ has now taken up residence in our hearts and lives.

This weekend, learn what truly happens spiritually when you receive Christ into your heart and life. Discover where the journey will take you as you run after Jesus and His plan and purposes for your life. You will never be the same!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Easter Week Turnarounds

As we walk through Holy Week, we recognize that Palm Sunday was the first major turnaround event. After three and a half years of concealing His true identity to most and revealing it to only a few, Jesus fully discloses that He is the Messiah and king to the praises of the people as He parades into Jerusalem on a donkey. Who is Jesus? From that day forward it has been no secret—Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and the only Saviour.

As the Passion Week draws to a close, Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper signifying His mission in this world. Following His arrest and trials comes the next second major turnaround event. Learn how Satan, the archenemy of God tried to thwart Christ’s mission and in doing so actually aided in accomplishing the second greatest turnaround event—Christ’s death on the cross that provides for all who believe, the salvation of their souls.

The final turnaround starts with things not going as planned. There are incredible obstacles in the way and it will take a miracle of God to remove the obstacles and provide new life and hope. In this Sundays, message The Great Resurrection Sunday Turnaround we will proclaim the gift that Jesus Christ offers to all who believe in Him and receive Him as the risen Lord! Join us in celebrating the great work of Jesus Christ for all humanity this weekend in both of these services!

Also, don’t miss the opportunity to also see Sight & Sound’s JESUS presentation that is free to all this Easter weekend.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Great Turnaround

The Great Turnaround

We often see classic superheroes hide their true identity underneath the layer of an alter ego. Batman hides his identity with the persona of a wealthy businessman. Spiderman goes to school and enjoys photography. Superman is a reporter with glasses. Throughout His life and ministry, Jesus had a pattern of revealing and concealing who He really was to different people. What was the reason?

This Sunday marks the commemoration of the final week of the earthly life and mission of Jesus Christ. It is known as Holy Week, or the Passion Week. It’s a week filled with all kinds of turnaround events that lead to the full revealing of who Jesus Christ is and the accomplishment of God’s great plan of salvation for all mankind.

Palm Sunday was the first major turnaround event. After three and a half years of revealing and concealing His true identify to different people, He now openly allows the crowds of people to welcome Him into the city of Jerusalem hailing Him as king with their praise and worship. Learn why and how this great turnaround event sets the stage for what will unfold in the message, The Great Palm Sunday Turnaround. We look forward to your presence with us!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Me? A Missionary?

We have been given a great commission by Jesus Christ to go to all the world and spread the good news of the Gospel. Yet, we find that many are so intimidated by the task that we are called to do, and often have doubts and fears about missions. In the message Me? A Missionary? we will discover that by the Lord's help, we are able to do so much more than we think we can.

This Sunday we look forward to a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord as we worship. We invite you to come and hear some vibrant testimonies from our missionaries to Colombia and an encouraging word from the Lord.

Many Blessings,

Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

A Plan & A Purpose

So many things in life appear to happen randomly in our lives. Often we just see individual events and don’t know how they connect to one another or to the greater plans and purposes that God has for our lives. The truth is, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) and “God makes everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). When unforeseen events occur, we need to stop and ask God to show us His plan and purpose. Then ask Him to let it be a blessing for you and for others.

In this Sunday’s message, A Plan & A Purpose, we will journey with someone whose life exemplified this truth and learn what kind of attitude and posture we must maintain in our hearts as that plan and purpose unfolds.

Please note for official members of PPT, we are conducting our Annual Business Meeting immediately following the morning worship service. Be sure that you register in advance as lunch will be provided.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

God’s Rescuing Presence: Let God Rescue You

We will all face incredible challenges and burdens in life whether it be with your relationships, work, finances, health, or some other situation. In those seasons we will be looking for help and answers. Sometimes it can be very hard to keep trusting God, especially if things seem to go wrong in your life—it’s easy to fall prey to the darkness of doubt. What do we do?

In my message, God’s Rescuing Presence, we will learn from one of David’s prayers in the Psalms how to find encouragement by crying out to God to rescue us and then to put our trust in God. We will discover how we can be confident God is working behind the scenes on our behalf.

We encourage you to join us this Sunday and spend time lingering in God’s presence in praise and worship. We will be sharing Communion and praying for one another.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

💲 Be Financially Strong

Throughout our lifetime we are given a lot of financial resources. Being good stewards of all that God has given us, is a major theme in the Bible. In his message, Radical Stewardship, our guest speaker this weekend, David Kingston, is going to provide a practical teaching about how to manage our resources well and be blessed as a result. We hope you will join us to worship and grow together this weekend!

After the service, you will have the opportunity to book an appointment during the following week if you wish to complete a Will and Powers of Attorney at no cost. This is a wonderful service provided to you by PAOC Steward Services and is one of the benefits of our membership with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Together on God’s Highway

When we speak of God’s highway, we are referencing the pathway of His presence and power. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus was called to “… prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.” (Luke 3:4) We too have a part in preparing the way for God’s power and presence to come. Using the analogy of a highway we understand that the foundation is the unconditional love of God. The guardrails of grace and truth keeping us from falling into the ditches of error on either side. Holiness is the center line of the highway that keep us in the perfect will of God. With all these elements of a highway, we can keep a straight path that welcomes a free flow of the fullness of God’s power and presence in our lives and in His church.

It’s also a wonderful joy and blessing to know we are not alone on God’s Highway. Discover this Sunday in the final message in this series, the role the Holy Spirit and other believers play as we journey Together on God’s Highway.

We encourage you to come at 9:30 am and spend time with us praying before the service in the Prayer Room. This time praying together creates a holy hunger in you for God and helps prepare you to enter the service with a spirit of anticipation and expectation! It also positions your heart to enter more quickly into praise and worship, hear more clearly what God is saying to you through His Word, and help you receive all that God desires to pour into your life! So, join us for pre-service prayer too!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

God’s Highway of Holiness

God has a highway or pathway upon which his power and presence moves in our lives and through his church. The foundation of that highway is his love for us. There are also two guardrails called grace and truth that keep us moving in the centre of that highway of his blessing. These guardrails keep us from veering off into the ditches of danger on either side—an emphasis on grace alone can dissipate into a shallow and sentimental foundation where justice and truth are discarded. A focus on truth alone can degrade into a cold, hardened dogmatic stance. The reality is grace and truth meld together in the gospel message and is displayed in the life and person of Jesus Christ.

There is another feature to this highway: holiness. What is holiness and what role does it play in keeping us flowing on the highway of God’s love, presence, and power? Find out this Sunday in the message, God’s Highway of Holiness.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Guardrails of God’s Highway

God has a highway or pathway upon which his power and presence moves. The foundation of that highway is love. The Bible declares God is love, meaning it’s the very essence and nature of his being. God so loved the world of people that he sent his son, Jesus, to earth to die for our sins and reconcile our relationship with God. Jesus so loves the world that he sends us. That same love compels and propels us to love others and point them to God’s marvellous gift of salvation! Check out last Sunday night’s Pastor’s Chat for the message about God’s Highway of Love as we kick-off this new series of messages.

On God’s highway, there are two guardrails that guide us: Grace and Truth. These guardrails keep us from veering off into a ditch of danger on either side. This Sunday, discover the role of grace and truth in keeping us flowing on the highway of God’s love, presence, and power!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

God’s Highway of Love

For the past several weeks, we have been preparing the way—through fasting and prayer—for God to work in our lives, our families, and his church in this new year. This time of preparation is for the purpose of creating a pathway or ‘highway’ by which the presence and power of God can flow freely in us and through us to the world around us. This is called ministry.

But on God’s highway of ministry, we can grow weary. Weary of working in various ministries, whether it’s teaching children, working with youth and young adults, or maybe serving on the welcome team, worship team, or media ministry. You may even wonder if your financial support for the work of missions does any good.

So, what keeps you moving forward doing ministry in your life? Let it be one reason, “for the love of Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians 5:14). In this Sunday’s message, God’s Highway of Love, we will explore the motivating factor of the kingdom of God.

God so loved the world that he sent Jesus. And Jesus so loved the world that he sends us. The same love that compelled Christ to leave heaven and propelled him to earth also needs to compel and propel us. Because of God’s love for us, we are able to love others. By loving others as God loves us, we can point them to Christ and God’s marvelous gift of salvation. The highway for the presence and power of God flows on a highway of love. Learn all about this on Sunday as we gather to worship God together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

🙏 Be Prayer Strong

Do you ever feel that life is just too overwhelming, and you are tempted to give up? God has given us the tremendous tool of prayer for us to use in the journey of life to support and sustain us and to release the power of God in our situations. Through prayer we have access to God’s powerful presence and the opportunity to make our requests known before God.

Remember there is too much at stake to give up, even when the circumstances seem to be against you. The answer so often is just around the corner and through persistent prayer you will see a breakthrough. When we pray to God Almighty, we can be assured that he is working out the answer because Jesus always keeps his promises!

Join us this Sunday, as Pastor Wayne preaches about the call for us to Be Prayer Strong. We look forward to your presence with us this weekend!

We are now completing our second week in our 21 days of fasting and prayer. If you have not yet joined us, you are still welcome to do so. You can sign up to receive our daily devotionals, prayer points, and prayer declaration at

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

📖 Be Bible Strong

Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Is there desire for something more in your life experience? Are you looking for a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfilment?

Currently, we are in a season of fasting and prayer with the theme of preparing the way of the Lord. As we enter this new year, we are responding to God’s call to seek him first. In seeking God first, we are making our relationship with Jesus and his kingdom purposes the priority of our hearts and lives. When we do this, the Word of God promises that all the other things that we need in our lives will fall into place.

Believers also have a role through the spiritual discipline of fasting and prayer of creating the atmosphere by which God can come and move in our lives and church. We deny ourselves some physical meals and instead seeking spiritual food—reading, studying, meditating on the Bible, and communicating with God in prayer. By doing this we are positioning our hearts to receive all that God has for us and his church this year. It also creates a favourable atmosphere by which God can come by his Holy Spirit and move in our lives and church services.

If you have not yet joined us, you are still welcome to do so. You can sign-up to receive our daily devotionals, prayer points, and prayer declaration at Then join us this Sunday for praise and worship and the message, Be Bible Strong, where you will learn all about the benefits of the Word of God. We look forward to your presence with us this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor