The value of a spiritual companion in our journey in life can never be overstated. Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, He promised He would not leave us alone but rather His departure would be beneficial to us because He would then send us another Helper, Comforter, Counselor and Advocate. That constant spiritual companion would be the person of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Week Fasting & Prayer - April 2023
This week marks the commemoration of the final week of the earthly life and mission of Jesus Christ. It is known as Holy Week or the Passion Week. It’s a week filled with all kinds of turnaround events that lead to the full revealing of who Jesus Christ is and the accomplishment of God’s great plan of salvation for all mankind.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - March 2023
Earthquakes are usually caused when underground rock suddenly breaks and there is rapid motion along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. While most earthquakes are caused by the slipping of tectonic plates, minor earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic eruptions, collapse of rock formations on the earth's surface, or underground explosions. We recently witnessed how powerful they can be in Türkiye and Syria. The Bible also speaks of earthquakes taking place indicating significant spiritual events were unfolding.
Day of Fasting & Prayer - February 2023
We are inviting everyone to an evening of praise and worship to celebrate what God has done, what He is doing and what He will do in the days ahead. We also want to anoint and pray with everyone who comes to seal all the prayers that we have lifted before God’s throne of grace over these past 21 days.
We based our times of fasting and prayer over this month on the theme, Preparing the Way of the Lord. We have been praying into this Scripture, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight. 5 Every valley shall be filled, And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth; 6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ ” (Luke 3:4-6). We have been seeking God to prepare us and to prepare a highway for the presence of God to flow strong and unhindered in our lives, families, and church.
So, in this service we are also going to be praying for you. For the personal valleys in your life to be filled; the personal mountains that you’re facing in your life to be brought low; that all the crooked places in your life will be made straight; and the rough ways made smooth. For some of you that means your healing and provision, for others it will be the breaking of chains in your life (deliverance), and for some others the restoration of relationships. Only you and the Holy Spirit know how this applies to your life and circumstances.
Please make every effort to join us this Wednesday evening and receive all that God has ordained for your life this year! We look forward to your presence with us and what God will do as we call upon the Lord together!
Day 21 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Job 37:14 and Psalm 107:1
Today is the last day of the fasting period. Look back once again. Read through your notes. What happened during these days? What did you experience? Take your time today to thank God for all of the experiences and encounters these last few weeks, and for all the big and small miracles you have already experienced. If you have experienced something special with God be sure to tell your group or friends about it.
If the fasting period was rather difficult for you and you don’t see much yet, then think a bit further back about all of the good things that you have already experienced in your life. We have so many reasons to be grateful. Every breath we take is a small miracle. Remember, we here in Canada belong to a small part of humanity that lives in great abundance.
Ask God for forgiveness too, when you have not been grateful and wanted more, or when you thought you were missing out. Let Him give you a new perspective today.
Day 20 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Psalm 143:8
Take your time today to let God guide you, also in small things like everyday conversations or apparently insignificant encounters.
Begin in the morning and let God show you that He is good to you. Let God show you where He wants to make a difference through you today, however small it may be.
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step:
If you like, set a timer to remind you several times a day today to pause and ask God for advice and His guidance in every situation, as if you are constantly looking at your navigation system to see where to go next.
Day 19 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Matthew 17:14-21
In some translations of the Bible, Verse 21 still contains the statement of Jesus: “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
We know from the Bible that Jesus had an intense prayer life and many assume that due to this statement that His authority in freeing the boy was based on a lifestyle of fasting and prayer.
Many Christians notice while fasting that their relationship with God becomes more intense and closer to Him, which results in stronger faith resulting in a stronger position of authority. Through regular fasting, for no specific purpose, our connection with God becomes ever deeper and closer, which results in an increase of authority.
So, there is a connection between fasting and spiritual authority – even if we cannot enforce authority.
Have you already experienced a breakthrough during this fasting in your own life, or witnessed it in the life of others? With fasting, it can be a bit like muscle-building in the gym. If you look at your muscles after two weeks, you won’t see much. But if you keep at it and make it to your lifestyle, then you will feel the effects after a few months. Sometimes when you’re building muscle, others suddenly speak to you because they have noticed that something has changed – this can also happen to you with a lifestyle of fasting and prayer.
Maybe you see few effects right now and are still waiting for the breakthroughs you hoped for. Sometimes a breakthrough begins with an apparently small change which later paves the way for further development.
Pray boldly for yourself and others with the certainty and faith that Jesus Himself has given you authority.
The mission of Jesus: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:8) still applies today. In some situations, the disciples returned enthusiastically, because they had experienced how miracles happened through them. Here they had prayed and nothing happened. Maybe you feel like the disciples, that you took a bold step, and your experience didn't work out. Just like the disciples, you are also a follower of Jesus, a learner. Like the disciples, go to Jesus with the points that still don’t work out, and keep at it!
Day 18 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: 2 Corinthians 6:16
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. In the first part of the Bible, there is talk of the temple and that God dwells in the Holy of Holies. Through Jesus, God now dwells in you and me – isn’t that fantastic?
When Jesus came to the temple in Jerusalem for the first time, he started to throw out everything he didn’t like.
Fasting is not only a time in which the intestines and thus the body purify themselves, it is also a time of the purification of your spiritual temple.
Have you noticed that the time of fasting is a kind of reinforcement? Sometimes we discover during fasting that we are more impatient and ill-tempered than we would actually like to be, and character traits emerge in us which we actually do not like at all.
At the same time, we become much more sensitive to the gentle speaking of the Holy Spirit.
When I myself fasted for several weeks for the first time, I hoped for major spiritual breakthroughs. I expected signs and wonders, healings and conversions. Instead, I woke up one day and saw points in my life where I behaved lovelessly and manipulatively in conflicts. God showed me blind spots in situations where, up until now, I had believed myself to be completely in the right. At first, I was almost disappointed, as I had expected completely different results. I wanted to do great things for God, and instead, he held up a mirror to me. But then I became grateful. It is so difficult to discover one’s own blind spots.
King David himself prayed: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step:
Engage in dialogue with God and ask Him to search you and your temple. Are there perhaps one or several corners that should be tidied up? Where anger may still reside? What makes God happy in your temple and what delights Him?
If you think about your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, then you can also ask yourself how comfortable the Spirit of God feels inside of you. Consciously take time now; close your eyes and become aware of your body. Feel your hands, your legs, and take a deep breath, observing your breathing. Listen to your heartbeat.
Day 17 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: John 4:23, Psalm 103
Take time today to worship God. Tell Him who He is to you. Enter his throne room and worship him.
Sometimes we don't have the words to praise and worship God. Then the words of the Psalms often help me. Today, read and pray Psalm 103 in your own words (or literally) and speak it to your soul. Worship the King. Make this day a day of worship!
Day 16 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Mark 14:3-9
Is there anything in your life that is very precious to you? This woman's jar of oil made of alabaster (a very fragile material) was worth an entire year's salary. And now she "wasted" it on Jesus. Wow, what generosity!
This woman's act was an act of lavish love and worship, and the fragrance of her action filled the whole house and touched the heart of Jesus.
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step:
Engage in a dialogue with Jesus and let Him show you which part of your resources you may waste on Him. Do you think you have far too little time?
What rustles inside you when you reread this passage from the Bible?
If nothing comes to your mind right now, not even good thoughts, then make the decision to give Jesus your bad thoughts so that He can fill you and make room for His good intentions in your life.
“How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are!”
(Psalm 139:17)
I am excited by the thought of letting Jesus shape my heart so that the aroma of my heart fills the whole house and all my surroundings.
Day 15 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Nehemiah 1:4-9
Nehemiah represents his nation in fasting and prayer, asking for forgiveness on behalf of his nation. It does not matter whether he himself is guilty or not. He makes himself one with his people as a representative.
He had heard that his people suffered (Nehemiah 1:2-4). This broke his heart and was reason enough for him to fast.
Which nations are particularly on your heart? Perhaps a nation whose blood flows in your veins? Or is God laying a particular nation on your heart? Perhaps God is burdening your heart with a particular region or people group? What breaks your heart when you hear it?
Nehemiah identifies himself with the sins of his own people. He does not say, "They have sinned," but he confesses the collective guilt and bows down under it.
Read: 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Also, Saint Paul repeatedly urges the Church to pray. For all people, especially for the government and leaders.
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step:
Ask Jesus how you can pray, and how you can ask forgiveness for your country or the country/group that is on your heart. Be inspired by prayers like Nehemiah and Daniel.
Day 14 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Daniel 9:3-19
Fasting as intercession. This is exactly what Daniel did for his people.
Do you have a cause or a person you want to intercede for? Perhaps you have it on your heart to pray for a particular group of people, your city or your country.
Listen to Steffi's testimony:
“A few years ago, we fasted for 40 days for my friend who does not know Jesus. Early in her pregnancy, she found out that she had an extremely aggressive breast cancer. Doctors advised her to abort her child so that she herself would have a better chance of survival. She decided to have the child. In this situation, I felt powerless as a friend, the only thing I could do was fast and pray. In the course of the fast, God gave me insight into things in her family for which I could ask forgiveness. In the meantime, my friend is considered cancer-free and she gave birth to a healthy boy (despite chemotherapy). When I think of this story, I am always overwhelmed by our great God.”
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step:
Perhaps at the start of the fast you've been thinking about who or what you'd like to pray for especially during this time. Take time to pray for just that today. The Bible says that we are kings and priests. Imagine yourself as a royal priest standing in the throne room of God and interceding for these issues.
Day 13 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Proverbs 3:34 and James 4:10
The Bible repeatedly says how important a humble heart is to God. We are to humble ourselves before God, but often we don't always know exactly how to do that. If you study passages in the Bible about fasting, you will find that fasting is often mentioned in connection with "humbling oneself before God."
Read: Ezra 8:21 and Psalm 35:13-14
In these passages, you see the connection between fasting and humility. Ezra proclaims a fast to humble himself before God. David tells us that he humbled himself (bowed his soul) and fasted for his sick friends.
However, the extent to which humility touches God's heart can be seen in the story of Ahab, the worst king Israel had ever seen. His life was full of idolatry and under his rule, almost all the prophets of Israel were killed. Nevertheless, when Ahab humbles himself before God and fasts at the end of his life, God gives him grace.
Read: 1 Kings 21:27-29
For us, it is not about persuading God to forgive our sins through fasting and humility. Through Jesus, we have already received complete grace for all our sins (even the worst of them). But it is stunning to see how much humility - even in a wicked king - touches the heart of God, so much so that God even mentions it to his prophet Elijah.
How much more can you be sure that your fasting, your prayer, and the surrender of your heart to God, will touch the heart of God.
Dear Father, your Word says that we should humble ourselves before you. Please give me a humble heart and teach me what it means to be humble before you and before others. Amen.
Day 12 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Psalm 46:10, Psalm 37:7, and Isaiah 30:15
Do you find it easy to stop what you have been doing or thinking?
Now read the entire Psalm 46 at your leisure.
The subject is wars and fighting. Often there is a war going on in our heads, a war of thoughts, what still needs to be done, what remains unresolved, and everything revolves around ourselves. Right in the middle of it, God calls out: "Stop it! And realize that I am God! I am above the nations." (that is, above everything) (Psalm 46:10).
Becoming silent before God and simply waiting for him is almost a lost art. And yet the Bible speaks of it consistently.
Take time today to just be still before God. If you like, you can listen to quiet worship music. Some people find it helpful to consciously create an atmosphere of prayer by sitting in their "prayer chair", kneeling, or lighting a candle. I'm sure you have your own ideas.
If you find it difficult to calm down, try the following exercise:
Breathe in and out deeply and consciously several times. (7 seconds exhale, pause, 7 seconds inhale, pause ...).
When you exhale, imagine that you are letting go of all the thoughts that are currently preoccupying you and handing them over to Jesus. As you breathe in, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you anew. He is the living breath of God. Do this exercise until you realize that you are at rest and immersed in peace.
Day 11 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Acts 13:2-3
Have you ever paused and possibly refrained from doing something before taking a big step, like going to university, changing your residence, or other big changes in your life?
We are often driven by our life circumstances and don’t always take time out to think. But it is precisely in this moment of pause that this great treasure is hidden; with it, we give God the space to give us direction and encouragement.
Paul and his colleagues had already fasted before they received instruction from the Holy Spirit, that they should be sent out and "released".
Through fasting and abstinence, space is freed up in my hectic life. When we take time to seek out and listen to God, completely new ideas, possibilities, and even callings can sometimes emerge.
Jesus, before choosing his twelve disciples, spent a whole night praying on a mountain.
Read: Luke 6:12-13
How much more does it make sense that we too should seek God and ask him for his advice before making important decisions.
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step
Now take a pen and paper and write down the questions to God that you have right now. Maybe you have a decision to make? Or is it on your heart to fast for your church? Are there people on your mind? Whatever it is, put it down on paper and trust that your fast will make a difference in the spiritual dimension.
Note down a date in your journal so that at the end of this fast you can look at this list again, together with Jesus, and ask him for his perspective. Maybe something has already materialized?
Day 10 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
How are you doing after your first few days of fasting? Did you get through them okay? Do a quick retrospective. If you are fasting as a group, ask each other how it is going. Maybe you are totally motivated after the first few days, the first low-performance period is over, and you are full of energy.
The first time you fast, you might feel like you will not make it. But deep inside you need to know that fasting is also training. And you don’t do a marathon without a bit of training the year before.
Think about where you are doing well, at which point is it training making your spiritual muscles stronger?
Where might you need to adjust something because the physical symptoms are too strong?
Go with Jesus to the points that are tough for you and let him show you perspectives and solutions.
Read: Psalm 103:8
This is always helping me to be gracious with myself.
Think about how children learn to walk. They take a step, fall down, get back up, take a few steps, fall down again. And often their parents stand in front of them with their arms open, rejoicing over each successful step.
God is a good father. A loving dad who rejoices in your successes and stands in front of you with open arms when you fail, cheering you on to get back up and keep walking.
Prayer and Get Free
Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for being a loving Father who rejoices in my successes and to whom I can always come, even when I have failed. I bring you my failure, ______ (get specific) to the cross and get your promise from Psalm 103:8 that you are merciful and gracious, also to me. Amen
Day 9 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Isaiah 58:2-11
It happens to us so quickly that we are proud because we achieve something on the surface, for example fasting and praying regularly, but still, our heart is relatively cold towards others. Here in Isaiah, God lays his finger on a few points by which we can test our heart.
Am I fasting but not making time for God and my daily life looks the same as always?
Am I fasting, but full of anger, resentment, and unforgiveness?
Am I fasting, but the suffering and misery of other people leave my heart completely cold?
Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
We humans all fall so easily into the religiosity trap. How quickly we do "pious" things to make ourselves feel better in the eyes of ourselves, others, and God. God wants our motivation to come from love - for Him, for ourselves, and for our neighbour.
Prayer and Get Free
Father, please put your finger on the points in my heart where my heart is cold and without love. I bring these points to you on the cross (specifically name all the points that the Holy Spirit shows you and place them on the cross) and exchange them for your supernatural love. Thank you for promising that your love is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Please show me where and how I can share your love today. Amen
Next Step
If you have an idea today how you can pass on God's love to someone in a very practical way, then do it directly. Ask God to give you His view on and His love for that very person.
LOVE CHANGES - regardless of how your fast goes, you can use the remaining days of the "21 Days" to do good for the people around you.
Day 8 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: John 10:27
Take time today to listen carefully to God's voice.
If you feel that your head is still overflowing with all kinds of thoughts, you can try the following exercise:
Take a piece of paper and write down all the thoughts that go through your head in the next 5 minutes. Whether positive or negative, important or unimportant, write everything down.
When you have finished, put the paper aside (preferably out of sight).
Prepare yourself inwardly for your encounter with God.
Take a pen and a new sheet of paper, alternatively your mobile phone (in flight mode). And start writing. Or draw or... Of course, it's best if you take some time and find a quiet place to do this.
If no thoughts come to you and you feel you can't hear God, read through Psalm 139:1-18 and underline the words that speak to you.
Take these words and use them to write a letter addressed to you (alternatively you can draw something from these words).
Read: Psalm 139:1-18
If you still have difficulties, find someone to read the psalm together with you.
"How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!" (Psalm 139:17)
P.S.: After your exercise, look - if you like - again at the initial list of "thoughts in your head." How has your focus changed? Is there anything on this list you would like God to take care of?
Day 7 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Esther 4:15-17
The fasting of the entire people changes the evil plan of destruction against the Jews.
The people fasted for their queen (leader) to make a difference in the spiritual dimension.
Imagine if we as a whole church fasted together and thereby experienced how our fasting changed history? Isn’t the very thought itself fascinating?
Immediately following this fast in the Book of Esther, amazing things happen. Esther goes to the king with death-defying courage that could cost her her life. But she finds extraordinary favor with the king, who promises to grant her every wish.
The following night, the king cannot sleep, begins to leaf through old history books, and by “chance” comes across important information that changes the course of history.
In the end, the entire nation of Israel is saved from the evil Haman’s horrific plans of destruction.
In which areas would you like fasting with your group and/or family to make a difference? Is there a specific issue where you need a breakthrough?
Bring this to Jesus together in prayer and consider how during this Fast you can establish common fasting and prayer moments for this important concern.
Prayer, Get Free & Next Step
Think about a first specific step today. For example, mark a date in your calendar for a first meeting so that you can take the first step together. And don’t forget to write down the topics for which you pray together. Maybe you can already put a reminder in your calendar 6 months from now to look back at what you prayed for and what has happened since then.
Day 6 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Read: Luke 4:1-4
How intriguing that the adversary of God wants to tempt Jesus to get some food during the fasting period. You have reached day 6 and probably you have already experienced some situations where you were tempted to break the fast. (When I fast, I often get the most amazing food invitations. Suddenly people are baking cakes or biscuits and offering me the most delicious things). No wonder: fasting has spiritual intense power and you have an enemy who will do anything to stop you from fasting. Jesus' response to this temptation was to know that He lives by the Word of God.
Have you ever considered that the Word of God is like food to you?
When we abstain from food for God, there is always the question of what we do instead. It is this "instead" that makes your fast a spiritual fast. Otherwise, what we do would be nothing more than a diet.
Have you ever thought of binging on the Word of God while fasting?
The Word of God is repeatedly compared to food throughout the Bible. The Bible asks us to meditate on the Word of God, to mull it over.
Read: Joshua 1:8
The Hebrew word for meditating on God's Word is "hâgâh". This word means to murmur, ponder, sigh, imagine, study, or vocalize. Many compare the process of meditating to human chewing or even to the chewing of a cow, in which the animal regurgitates its cud.
God tells Joshua to have the word of God constantly in his mouth. Imagine taking a Bible passage and chewing it in your mouth like delicious food. Say it, repeat it in your mind, bring it up again and again throughout the day. Imagine how this word strengthens you and fills you up like food fills your body.
Jesus, thank you for your Word. You yourself are the living Word of God. Thank you for the promise that the Word of God will satisfy me. I ask that today and in days to come I may learn and experience more and more to receive your Word into me like food.
Get Free & Next Step
Take a Bible verse that appeals to you or one that you may not like that much. First, write it down and take time doing it. What happens with the words? Do you want to dig deeper into the context? Then, find a concordance (Bible Lexicon) or talk about it with others.
Maybe you can also enjoy being creative by making a painting of the words of this Bible verse. Let yourself be inspired in which way you might let God's word melt as food on your "tongue" today.